5 Tips to Minimize the Costly Effects of Data Exfiltration

Imagine all your personal secrets written on a paper boat floating across a big pond. This boat is your company’s sensitive data, and that pond is the Internet. There are people out there who would love to get their hands on that boat and read all those secrets. They’re hackers, and they’re always looking for boats to grab.

Now, the more secrets you jot down on your paper boat—things like customers’ personal information, bank details, or private business plans—the more attractive your boat becomes to these hackers. If they get to it, it’s like a cyberattack, and it can be a big problem for you and your company. But fear not! There are steps you can take to make sure your boat stays safe and away from prying eyes. Here’s how you can protect your precious cargo:

1. Keep a Sharp Eye: Watch who comes in and out of your pond. If someone looks like they don’t belong, or they’re getting too close to your paper boat, it’s important to notice and take action.

2. Teach Your Crew: Make sure everyone who adds secrets to the boat knows how to fold it tight, so nothing falls out. Don’t just tell them once; remind them regularly.

3. Less is More: Only put on the boat what you really need. The less you float out there, the smaller the chance someone will come looking for it.

4. Have a Safety Net: Sometimes, a secret might slip off the boat. Have a net ready to catch anything that falls out before it drifts away.

5. Send Out Patrols: Have friends canoeing around, keeping an eye out for anyone trying to grab your paper boat, and ready to chase them off.

Sounds simple, right? But it can be complicated to keep an eye on your paper boat while you’re busy running your company. That’s where the Diversified Outlook Group comes in. With their help, you can focus on steering your company boat forward, knowing that someone trusted is watching over the sensitive data you’re floating out there.

To learn more about how your company can minimize the risks of sensitive data falling into the wrong hands and keeping cyber attackers at bay, check out this useful article: www.darkreading.com/cyber-risk/5-tips-to-minimize-data-exfiltration-before-it-happens.

And if it all seems a bit overwhelming, don’t worry. Diversified Outlook Group is here to help you secure your boat with their expertise and services. Just reach out to them at support@diversifiedoutlookgroup.com for a lifeline in the ever-rippling waters of cyber security.

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