When a company’s computer system is attacked by hackers, it’s a big deal. The company needs to tell its investors and the public about what happened. That’s because these attacks can be harmful to the business and everyone involved with it.
The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) made new rules that require companies to share details about these cyber incidents quickly. This is to make sure that everyone has the important information they need to make good decisions.
But there’s a catch. The SEC says that companies should only report events that are “material.” This means the incident is so serious that it could change the value of the company’s stock or affect investors’ decisions.
The problem is, even though companies are reporting these cyber attacks more often, many of their reports are missing important details. Without these details, it’s hard for investors and the public to understand just how serious the incident is.
It’s like telling a friend that you got a flat tire. You might say, “I got a flat tire,” but if you don’t say where it happened, how long you were stuck, or if your car was damaged, your friend won’t know the full story. The same goes for these reports on cyber attacks. Without the whole picture, people can’t see how big of a problem it is.
This is where experts like Diversified Outlook Group can help. They are like detectives who are really good at figuring out the full story behind these cyber incidents. They can help companies understand what “material” really means and what details they should share.
So, if your company has had a cyber incident or you want to make sure you’re sharing the right information, Diversified Outlook Group can guide you. To learn more, send them an email at support@diversifiedoutlookgroup.com.
For more details on what’s happening with these SEC reports, check out this article: www.darkreading.com/cyber-risk/sec-disclosures-up-but-not-enough-details.